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DIY Anxiety Aromatherapy // Calming Room Spray

The massage can very well be used in this age as a sort of preventive therapy. If one takes the time to trace relations between illnesses and its causes, one will notice that a lot of the modern day ailments that befall the modern individual are mostly due to stress and a hyper active lifestyle. Regular massage will help one maintain a balance between a hectic life and a relaxed, stress free life. If you wish to invigorate, treat yourself by lighting an invigorating aromatherapy candle that contain mixture of oils from the citrus and mint families such as peppermint, spearmint, basil, eucalyptus, or cedar, rosemary, cinnamon, geranium, cassia, and vanilla to stimulate and revitalize your senses quickly. Although new stores may also offer quality products, if you are not familiar with aromatherapy yet, it is good to stick with the brands that are already established. Remember that aromatherapy has safety issues that you should also take heed. After which, when you know enough about the business and the products, you can switch to less established ones but with good reviews. The nice thing about this new trend to take away stress is that an aromatherapy bath can be done at home. This will truly save a few dollars instead of going to the spa especially when the different oils can be purchased online or from a store. Sometimes, instead of just using one scent, it is possible to mix a few drops to create something that will have a stronger effect. Aside from pouring oil into the warm water, bath salts can also be used to make this work. The individual will need to have a bathtub so this can be sprinkled into the water until it dissolves. Many of these can be purchased at the store or online in large containers. The person can do this daily to feel refreshed after a long day at work. It is said that aromatherapy can also improve one's mood, lightening it up and easing the stress. This is perhaps why the technique is also used in massage parlors and spas to relax customers. The use of essential oils is a practice that has been going on for centuries. It all started with the Greeks, who invented the crude way of distilling. 

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