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Asthma - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Films

P with what they think is minor problems, telling themselves it s just a cold or touch of flu etc, They do not tell them that their asthma is getting worse or that the wheezing will not stop. Because of this they suffer severe attacks purely because they did not get the medical help that they did not think they needed. All animals with fur also release dander; there s no such thing as an allergy-free cat or dog. Your best bet is to reduce the exposure to pet allergens to aid your asthma: -For cats or dogs: have another household member wash it twice a week. -Remove carpet in the home; dander is more likely to be trapped, even from regular vacuuming within carpet fibers. Eliminate residual smoke odors in the home by washing and airing out fabrics, wiping down furniture and even the walls, and removing dust from vents and fans. If someone in the home has asthma, make the environment as clean and breathing-friendly as possible. Eliminating smoke is one very important step in making living with asthma no big deal at all. Avoiding things that might irritate your condition help make living with asthma a breeze, instead of a tight squeeze. On high-pollen days, make use of the air conditioner. Regularly washing linens and fabrics will help control dust mites, which might also irritate asthmatic conditions. Living with asthma doesn t have to be a burden. If you want to know more about how you can breathe easy, even when you re living with asthma, check the Internet. You ll find a world full of resources, including tips and advice, that s completely free (and right at your fingertips). The Internet is always a great place to trade information and connect with others. It causes wheeziness, breathlessness, chest tightness and either morning or nighttime coughing. Asthma is a 24/7 disease although you may have no effect from it for ages and suddenly something will trigger it off. If it is looked after and controlled your asthma will let you live a normal life. Try to avoid things that trigger an attack like dust mites, pollen, smoke. 

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