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Asthma und Sport

This includes the ability to carry out daily living as usual such as work or school, exercise, and also to help with the wheeziness and interrupted sleep due to excessive coughing. Also to try to prevent acute attacks therefore removing the need to go to casualty to get the asthma back in order. Causes of Asthma The main causes of Asthma can be attributed to certain things that can cause a reaction with Asthma, These include hereditary, which will make you more likely to develop a chronic Asthma, Allergies, dust mites and some animal fur and cigarette smoke. Regularly washing fabrics in the home (like bed linens) can help reduce both dust mites and pet dander. Keep your pets clean and well-groomed, and keep the home free of dust and other airborne particles by maintaining a regular cleaning schedule. Living with asthma doesn t have to be a drag it just means doing a little extra cleaning, perhaps, and putting out the cigarettes. Deciding to keep the pet despite your allergies will surely increase the severity of your symptoms over time. All animals with fur also release dander; there s no such thing as an allergy-free cat or dog. Your best bet is to reduce the exposure to pet allergens to aid your asthma: -For cats or dogs: have another household member wash it twice a week. It s also symptomatic of being out of shape and pushing yourself too hard. Not doing correct warm-ups before, cool downs after, or keeping properly hydrated... the list goes on. So, yu see, there is no need to get worked up over nothing if you begin to experience asthmatic symptoms. Persistent cough is common in asthmatics, especially children. Smoking, pollen, and animal dander may aggravate asthma. If you re living with asthma, don t allow smoking in your home and don t smoke yourself. Avoiding things that might irritate your condition help make living with asthma a breeze, instead of a tight squeeze. On high-pollen days, make use of the air conditioner. Living with asthma means living with fresher, cleaner air so that you can breathe easy. Having fresh air isn t so bad, is it? For more information on what you can do to make living with asthma and avoiding asthma attacks much easier, check the Internet and various online communities. A simple Internet search will reveal tons of tips and advice that will make living with asthma a breeze. 

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