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CDC: Tips from Former Smokers - Jessica's Asthma Ad

By taking a few extra steps, you can make living with asthma much more manageable. Keeping it clean doesn t just help the asthma sufferer breathe easier, but everyone in the home. Your space will be cleaner, your air purer, and your lungs happier. When you re keeping it clean, living with asthma isn t so bad, after all. 4) Symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe for extended periods of time. The cause of asthma is not actually known; sometimes it appears genetic, but then identical symptoms pop up in a vacant gene pool of non-asthma sufferers. The sad truth is that, even with all our advanced knowledge of how things work and why, there is still not even any known 'cure' for asthma suffers. Living With Asthma: Breathe Easy Living with asthma means living with a sort of breathing disability. There are some things, like cigarette smoking, that asthma sufferers can never do. When you can t breathe easy, living with asthma seems like a real pain. But does it have to be? Some studies show that one in four Americans will be affected by asthma or allergies of some kind. There are many products available today that control the craving for cigarettes, and your doctor can even prescribe aids that will help you kick any existing smoking habit. The problem for many people who have asthma is often not first-person smoking, but the second-hand smoke to which they are exposed. Asthma sufferers should do what they can to avoid smoky situations at work, as well, and always step outside for fresh air if trapped in an enclosed space with a cigarette smoker. New laws banning cigarettes in public locations are being passed all the time, and this makes living with asthma a lot easier. Some circumstances you should come equipped with for the doctors evaluation are: - Your medical history - What your symptoms are How frequently they occur How they change with medication Individual triggers for symptoms - Your own allergies - Your family history On your visit, a doctor will test your lung function, using peak flow monitoring and spirometry to determine how quickly you expel air. 

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