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How Science Works KS3: Asthma on the Run

Helpful Hints You can buy both mattress and pillow protectors that will take away the threat of dust mites in the bed, thus giving you a better chance of a good nights sleep. Keeping your medication going, visit your asthma clinic regularly to make sure your asthma is being kept in control. Exercise as much as you can, and some breathing exercises might help to give relief from the effects of asthma. Talk to your physician about medication that will stop these attacks, before you they get too scary and out-of-control. Avoiding attacks isn t always as easy as taking medication. There are other things you can do to make living with asthma much easier, steps you can take that make avoiding attacks an easy enough task. Overnight solo mountain climbing, for instance, might be negated in lieu of morning group nature hikes. Decathlon is something you ll probably never compete in; why not participate in a charity walk? Conservatively: It s important to think of yourself first and never let your ambitions get out of step with your abilities. Never treat a child with asthma different to their siblings for fear you will cause an attack as this could cause problems in the family with sibling resentment. Don t be afraid to discipline them all the same. As long as long as your Childs school is aware of the problem and the medication that is needed your child should on the whole enjoy a normal full time education. Living with asthma doesn t have to be a burden. When you know how to manage and control asthma and related symptoms, living with asthma is just like living without asthma with a few extras. Controlling asthma through medication is the preferred method of living with asthma for most people, and can be a fairly hassle-free experience. Living With Asthma: Keeping It Clean Asthma is a chronic breathing condition, often controlled by medication, that is sadly incurable. Modern-day science still isn t sure why asthma occurs in the first place. Even with all this uncertainly, living with asthma is a manageable affair. Learn how keeping it clean (the air) can help make living with asthma almost completely painless. 

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