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Living with Asthma - Behind the News

Many teenagers take less than half of their prescribed medication for fear of looking the odd one out of their friends and indeed deliberately leave their medication at home. If left to his or her own devices the asthma can get worse and in turn lead to permanent lung damage or even worse a life threatening attack. Never treat a child with asthma different to their siblings for fear you will cause an attack as this could cause problems in the family with sibling resentment. Don t be afraid to discipline them all the same. As long as long as your Childs school is aware of the problem and the medication that is needed your child should on the whole enjoy a normal full time education. Learn what you can do to make asthma easier for you, and your family. Asthma is not a curable condition. It is chronic, and its exact causes are as yet unknown. Even in the face of stunning medical advancements, there are still some conditions that modern medicine cannot eradicate. Though asthma is a chronic and usually lifelong affliction, living with asthma doesn t have to mean living in pain. Once the home and work place are relatively free of dust, dander, and smoke, living with asthma is almost exactly like living without asthma. Some sufferers may experience more symptoms on high-pollen days. It s best to stay indoors if possible, with the air conditioner circulating, if you have asthma and pollen irritates your condition. It is an unfortunate fact that pets make asthma symptoms worse. It s even more sad that cat and dog dander is one of the biggest causes for reactionary symptoms in asthmatics. But here is the news, no matter how unhappy to read, to separate urban legend from fact. A common misconception is that only fur or feathers is what cause a reaction in those susceptible to asthma. A trigger is something that inflames airways, leading to asthma symptoms. But triggers vary from person to person. Many different things lead to inflammation including mold, pollen, air pollutants (smog) even viruses. Mold is often found where it s damp, in sitting water, or near garbage containers. Pollen is produced by trees, grass, and weeds especially during the warmer weather months. 

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