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Recognizing an Asthma Attack in Your Child

Overnight solo mountain climbing, for instance, might be negated in lieu of morning group nature hikes. Decathlon is something you ll probably never compete in; why not participate in a charity walk? Conservatively: It s important to think of yourself first and never let your ambitions get out of step with your abilities. Living with Asthma: What Happens Next? When you or someone close to you is diagnosed with asthma, it can be a very confusing and scary time. What happens next? Now that asthma has come into your life, do you know how to deal with it? Learn more about living with asthma, and learn that life doesn t have to change. Remember Remember if your child is at pre-school, playgroup, with a child minder baby sitter or anyone else make sure they are aware of the fact that your child has asthma and that they no how to administer your Childs medication and what they should do in the case of a sudden severe asthma attack. Keep in mind that a normal cold can sometimes trigger a more severe asthma attack. Asthma can also appear as various other illnesses, namely pneumonia, bronchitis, allergies, and of course the common cold. Any of these can bring on an attack and if your teen is still coughing a lot after the illness has gone then it will probably be asthma. Sports Many professional athletes have asthma, for an excellent sport for people suffering with asthma try swimming the moist warm air makes it easier to for your teenager to breath. So what s the trick to keeping it clean? First things first, you want to regularly wash and air out linens and other fabrics in the home. Regularly vacuum furniture and wash bed clothes and cushions to reduce dust mites. Dust mites get into the air in anyone s home, but regularly cleaning fabrics can help control the population. An asthma attack can be incredibly frightening, confusing, and lonely. But does living with asthma mean that you have to live through these attacks, or is there some way that this breathing problem can be avoided? Asthma is a chronic, incurable condition. That may sound dire, but today s modern medicine makes living with asthma pretty stress-free and easy. 

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