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What is an asthma attack It is caused by the tubes letting air down to your lungs, getting smaller, muscles get tighter and make it difficult to get air down, causing breathlessness, coughing, chest tightness, panic, a blue tinge to the lips. Asthma Triggers Smoke should be banned from the home of an asthmatic as it can bring on an attack. If this is the case you should immediately stop your program until you are able to meet with a doctor or, if you need, never be afraid to seek out the hospital in an emergency. Inability to exercise with unrelenting symptoms is a sign your asthma is out of control. If this is the case, you really need to put this problem to rest before beginning your program again. Helpful Hints You can buy both mattress and pillow protectors that will take away the threat of dust mites in the bed, thus giving you a better chance of a good nights sleep. Keeping your medication going, visit your asthma clinic regularly to make sure your asthma is being kept in control. Exercise as much as you can, and some breathing exercises might help to give relief from the effects of asthma. The more you know about something, the less scary it suddenly seems. Life doesn t have to stop for asthma, so that you can catch your breath you can manage your asthma symptoms, and learn how to cut back on things that may aggravate your condition in the home. There are many things you can do to make breathing at home easier, and making living with asthma just like living without asthma. But does living with asthma mean that you have to live through these attacks, or is there some way that this breathing problem can be avoided? Asthma is a chronic, incurable condition. That may sound dire, but today s modern medicine makes living with asthma pretty stress-free and easy. Inhalation devices can stop asthma attacks before they get started. Living with asthma is much easier when you do this, however, and it s as easy as regularly washing and cleaning fabrics inside the home. By keeping it clean, you keep the air you breathe free of asthma attack-inducing irritants that will do nothing but make living with asthma a real pain the lungs. To make living with asthma a breath of fresh air, you ll want to talk with other asthma suffers, and learn all you can about your condition. 

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