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Making Beeswax candles for the first time

However, the beads are much larger. You will want to use one teaspoon for every pound of wax. Poly 400 comes in the form of beads that vary is size and shape. This is a UV inhibitor, which will keep your candles from fading in the sunlight. This additive is also to be used at the rate of one teaspoon for every pound of wax. Once your candle wax is at the proper temperature, add in anything you want to be including in your candle including dye, scents, and additives. Immediately after, pour the hot wax into the pillar candle molds. Do not pour wax all the way to the top of the mold. You want to leave about four or five inches unfilled. You will want the wick to be several inches longer than the top of your mold. Insert the wick from the bottom of the mold. Hold it securely in the middle of the mold by tying the top of the wick to a pencil that lies across the top of the mold. This is the point in the process where you will want to add any color or fragrance to the melted wax. If you are making sets of the candles, it is important to cut the wicks exactly the same length. You will want to dip the wicks into the candle wax making sure to coat it properly. This is how you will build your candle. After the wicks cool, dip them again. Each time you do, the candle will grow in size. The message can be a poem, Biblical scripture, or even a photo of the couple getting married. Making the taper candles is very simple. It involves the hand dipping process. You will dip the two wicks over and over again in the hot wax until the taper candles are the desired width. After they have completely cooled you can trim the wick to inch of the top of the candle. The dipping process for taper candles as we know it today began in 13 AD. Traveler merchants went door to door from town to town. While there, they made taper candles for individuals in their homes. Around 15 AD the idea to use molds for various types of candles was introduced in Paris. While this greatly improved the candle making process, there were still issues with getting the candles to burn properly. 

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