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Firstly, If your cat is under a year old it may pay to seek advice from your vetenarian as cat mothers of a young age increases the possibility of giving birth to deformed kittens. Female cats have many heat periods over a year, and each heat period can last around 6 days if a male mates with her, but if she is not mated, then the period of heat will last longer and will recur regluarly (This is known as 'polyestrous'). Another reason they are ruining your home is because they know it to be their territory. They release a scent from special glands in their paws which helps them mark the area as theirs. They also do it because they are working the kinks out of their body as well as burning some energy. Before you head off to have him de clawed, you may want to try out some of the alternative methods of preventing the scratching. You should try to have a non skid mat there as well to help your cat feel better about standing in the water. A scared cat is hard to control. So, if you plan to wash him in the tub, make sure to shut the door to keep him from getting out into the rest of the house. What To Do Put the mat at the bottom of the sink or tub. Your cat can tell if you are anxious, so don t worry if things go wrong. Keep calm and start again. Don t force training on your cat, only attempt it when it seems happy to do so. Don t move too quickly, or the cat might misunderstand. When teaching a kitten only do it for half hour a day and only repeat a few times. Afterwards, you can use a fine-toothed comb to work the smaller knots on the fur and eliminate the more stubborn knots. 2. Bathing Cats do not often require bathing because they basically take good care of themselves when it comes to grooming. However, there are some cases wherein you need to give them a bath no matter how you and your pet dread the chore. The feeder s lid has an opening that will allow the cat to eat out of one compartment at a time. A battery powers it to rotate the lid using a timer so that different compartments are opened at the set time. Cat owners who are not around for a long period of time should make sure that the feeders that they use are large enough to hold enough food for the entire time the cat is alone. 

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