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Money Talks: Brussels energy efficient homes

We can also add insulation to our basements to ensure heat conservation. One way to know whether our basements have leaks or not, is to look for spider webs. If there are webs, there are leaks! We should not turn on our garage heating system all the time. In fact we can always heat up minutes before going even if we spend a lot of time there. When you have charged your mobile phone or any other device, pull the switch out of the socket as passive chargers use electricity. Beware of the biggest shareholder of your electricity, your heating system. Before going out anywhere, keep them low or turn them off. Why should you pay for something that isn't doing any good to you? Windmills have been in use for many decades and used to provide energy to grinding mills. The safest and most economical way of energy conservation. Now the engineers have produced new designs of windmills that optimally utilize the blowing wind and are powerful enough to support a full household unit. Check for any such cracks in your house and fill them up, which can reduce electricity usage by almost 30% a year. Examine each wall, door, ceiling separately and don't forget to take a look at fireplace dampers and switch boards too. After internal examination, check exterior walls and chimney too but beware of any possible air combustion. You have no need to worry about long procedures as you need in electrical bulb installation. Solar energy is very cost effective and beneficial for home use. Another important thing in solar energy is that it will not pollute the environment. It makes you environment very neat and clean that's why solar energy is said to be environment friendly. It is approximately half of the cost of your monthly electricity bill. The remaining one is shared lighting and appliance (24%), water heating (17%), air conditioning (6%) and refrigeration (5%). Now, you can easily decide when you are going to start saving energy by lowering its consumption. You can take a start from space heating because it consumes the major part of electricity. 

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