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2019 Goal Setting | Vision Boards & RoadMaps | Aja Dang

You can get a piece of paper and write them all down, then keep the paper where it can be easily found. You can post at the door, your headboard, the wall, or even at the door of the fridge. That would make the written financial goals easily read, thus, they would serve as constant reminder of the financial aspects you aim to achieve in the short or long run. Do you have a clear projection as to how much you should be earning in a particular moment in your life? This aspect is closely related with career, so better review and come out with a goal with these two side by side. 4. Potential development. Perhaps some of your talents and skills need an improvement, or are maybe already clamoring for an improvement. The importance of goal setting Because goal setting is really an activity that brings about more advantages than disadvantages, it is logical that the concept has its own set of plusses and merits. The goal setting activity is the time when one s self is evaluated and assessed. That is why one importance of goal setting is that it provides a venue for one to know himself or herself better. If, for example, a person is entrusted to carry out a particular job for the whole company, that person should be named, not only the department she or he represents. The letter M in smart goal setting can mean MEASURABLE. If you re specific with your objectives, it follows then that you need to be concrete. The first step Setting your goal will be the first step. It is when you clarify, list down, and construct the step-by-step process on how to achieve your dreams. This also the time that you will need to reflect, not only about your past achievements or frustrations but also about your future worries and angsts. Consider what you really like to achieve in your life. Be specific and realistic. You would not want to rule the whole world someday for sure. That could be an impossible life goal, but you can dream of something bigger for yourself. Know yourself, your likes and what really would make you happy. Follow your instincts when setting goals. 

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