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SMART Goal Setting (Hindi) By Ashish Parpani - How to Set Goal?

Corporations, huge and small, are now racing against time to incorporate into their calendar of activities, schedules of goal setting for their executives and other staffs. Harmonizing the company's goal with the career and professional goals of the company employees can be immensely beneficial. This will allow people to be more open, conscientious, thus developing the environment into a more conducive place for professional growth. Their experiences might shed some light on things that continue to baffle you in the first place. Your colleagues experiences in the workplace can be a rich source of knowledge in terms of performance assessment. Of course, you will not poke into their private lives even in informal talks, or even in jest, as they may reveal some development on their personal career. And since goal setting worksheet is more organized, it retains this "orderliness" even when used as a scratch paper. How wonderful that even from its infancy, the process of goal planning is already organized and arranged according to the attendees' frame of reference! So, for the next important goal setting session, it is advisable not to settle for an ordinary paper. Priorities are things that should be given primary and foremost focus and attention. The same goes for goals. Priorities and goals are almost the same in a way that both are the ultimate targets and aims of each individual. Some useful tips to set goals and manage time: Here are several simple, logical and practical tips and guidelines to help you set goals and eventually manage your time better. They are easily achievable and are often more specified and directly stated. On the other hand, long term goals are to achieved or attained within longer range of time, usually, months, years, or often, indefinitely. Patience and determination are ought to be kept when keeping or maintaining long term goals. To be able to achieve such targets, there are various techniques and measures that are used to provide motivational devices and tactics to the athletes. In general, nothing else will come close to the motivation being provided to the athletes by effective and practical goal setting activities. Motivation and goal setting Thus, in the contemporary sports arena, motivation and goal settings are two different concepts that are now inter-twined and inter-connected. 

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