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What is difference between seed therapy & magnet therapy?-Dr. Gurudatta H K

This is compared to the 18% of those provided with fake magnets or placebo. The New York Medical College conducted a study among patients suffering from diabetes and the tingling/burning sensation that sufferers would usually feel in their legs. The pain was reduced by using polarized magnets . When patients use magnets, the blood flow increases in the area where the magnet is applied and this could help in reducing pain. Pain relief With magnets held against the skin, the capillary walls become relax which boost the blood flow to the painful area. The magnets also help in preventing muscle spasms that cause many forms of pain by interfering muscle contractions. Also, the magnets interfere the electrochemical reactions in the nerve cells and prevent their ability to transmit pain messages to the brain. 10. Magnetic therapy can increase energy levels. 11. Aside from pain relief, magnet therapy are also anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, and helps the injury to heal faster. There are several magnetic products that patients could easily wear to fit the injured areas. There are bracelets which could work on joints and muscles in the hand and wrists. Despite having no definite scientific proof to back up claims of magnetic therapists that magnets can induce healing, more and more people are beginning to believe and use magnets as a complementary form of treatment. The magnets can stop the pain signals from reaching your nervous system, they can help increase or normalize the blood flow allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed the cells resulting to faster healing and reinstates the overall balance of the body s cells. More than a century later, Dr. Frank Mesmer and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) conducted several experiments and treatments using magnets which they later advocated. Theories Magnet therapy is almost similar to the theory of acupuncture. The north-seeking pole of magnets is placed on the afflicted areas. How about considering it for weight loss? Excess weight is a worldwide problem that has been major concern of the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the WHO, about 1 billion adults worldwide are overweight, and about 300 million of them are suffering from obesity. Being overweight and obese could cause serious health problems like diabetes, hypertension and cancer. 

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