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Easy Origami Fish DIY - Easy Origami for Kids (Very Easy) - Summer Paper Crafts

Folding paper may not seem to be very challenging but as the projects advance, origami can in fact be quire complicated and complex. Who uses origami in society today? No doubt there are many people who still do origami simply as a pass-time or hobby. For children and adults alike this activity can provide hours of enjoyment. Patience is essential for the art of origami. Working out the intricate patterns in different projects can be quite tedious. Not just anyone will have the patience to continuously fold a piece of paper attempting to create a particular object. For people who design origami projects, the mathematics of it all can be very frustrating and again would definitely require a patient individual. Information about origami can probably be obtained from a library. Since this activity is used by many people in society, the library will certainly carry some literature about it. Many articles that are written about origami have references provided that will lead to even more details about the activity. They need to be capable of forecasting the outcome of each step of the origami process. If a mistake is made or a step is skipped, it is quite helpful if the person can figure out where they went wrong. Again patience is needed since an origami project or particular portions of the project may need to be repeated several times. Later when he was in junior high he read the book Viva Origami that showed him the vast possibilities of the art of origami and increased his dedication to the art. Throughout his lifetime he has used the wet folding techniques invented by Yoshizawa and created unique figures with soft curves that have had a great emotional impact of the people who see them. Don't use really good paper to start with and for true beginners one of the best pieces of advice is to start with a larger piece of paper than what is called for. Make your folds as sharp and precise as possible, press down on the center of the fold with one finger then run a finger from your other hand across the fold in both directions. 

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