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Easy Paper Butterfly Origami - Cute & Easy Butterfly DIY - Origami for Beginners

They need to be capable of forecasting the outcome of each step of the origami process. If a mistake is made or a step is skipped, it is quite helpful if the person can figure out where they went wrong. Again patience is needed since an origami project or particular portions of the project may need to be repeated several times. Sequencing is important to learn. No matter what activity a person sets out to do there are steps to be taken. If the third step is taken before the first, it's unlikely the outcome will be favorable. Let's use baking a cake for example. First of all the ingredients need to go in the bowl, then they need to be mixed adequately and then put in a pan to bake. This special paper can be bought in many different colors, usually with one side white and the other colored. Origami paper can also be bought with both sides colored (usually two different colors) and with designs and patterns on it. Complex projects frequently used different types of foil paper in origami. Thousands of people have made paper airplanes not knowing they were doing an origami project. In order to make a perfect paper airplane, it is essential to use exact folds in the paper. This is what the art of origami is about, making precise folds to create a specific object. In the early days when origami was initially discovered, it was used in Germany by kindergarten students. Uchiyama Koko, one of the early modern origamists went so far as to patent his models. Many modern origamists believe that the folding sequences should be viewed as intellectual property. Modern origami holds the creativity of the designers in high regard and has a great appreciation for the folders. Yoshizawa received world recognition in the 1950's and later was the cultural ambassador for Japan. Issey Miyake is a fashion designer who's unique style merged eastern fashion with western by incorporating the concepts of origami into his creations. In 1993 he designed two clothing lines, one called "Pleats Please" and the other "A POC" (A Piece of Cloth). 

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