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How To Make A Simple Origami Boat That Floats (HD)

If you visit the local library or bookstore and are unsuccessful in finding reading material about money origami or origami in general, you might want to continue your search on the Internet. Because the Internet provides worldwide access to data, you may be able to learn about origami from some of the greatest origami artists. It's also a great place to get new ideas that can later be used to create individual pieces. Art galleries frequently display origami work. Again, this is another good source for new ideas and techniques. The Internet has many sites related to the art of origami. Many serious artists have websites of their own where they showcase their creations. Browsing these various magazines a person will likely find beneficial origami details. Other magazines that might have information about origami are mathematical and technical publications. Because this concept is used in many modern day situations, occasionally these magazines may print related articles. Open the Cupboard; three valley folds (downward angles) divide the Cupboard into four equal sized strips. Turn the figure over; fold the edges onto the outer lines making two mountain folds. Turn the figure over and refold the Cupboard. Turn the Cupboard over once again and fold the edges into the middle line resulting in two mountain folds (upward angles). For people who are working with these techniques on a regular basis, the possibilities for creations rely on their imagination and creativity. Although the finished products are elaborate and obviously a challenge for the inexperienced person, the art of origami often uses two basic folds - the origami bird base and the origami square base. Origami can make a person stop and think instead of making rash decisions. Are you are person who likes to set goals? Are you someone who needs something to work towards? Origami is a great activity for goal setting. Looking at a picture of the intended outcome provides the individual with a motive to complete a project. 

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