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Origami: Batman Batarang ( designed byJeremy Shafer )

Besides the educational and behavioral advantages of origami, parents can use this activity to occupy a child who's bored or lonely. It's an inexpensive activity that a parent and child or children can do together. This means time spent together and an opportunity to build a good parent/child relationship. Uchiyama Koko, one of the early modern origamists went so far as to patent his models. Many modern origamists believe that the folding sequences should be viewed as intellectual property. Modern origami holds the creativity of the designers in high regard and has a great appreciation for the folders. For people who are working with these techniques on a regular basis, the possibilities for creations rely on their imagination and creativity. Although the finished products are elaborate and obviously a challenge for the inexperienced person, the art of origami often uses two basic folds - the origami bird base and the origami square base. Because this activity requires careful attention and precise folds, it cannot be rushed if hoping to achieve the intended result. One must be very patient when attempting an origami project. Attentiveness or awareness is also essential in our daily existence. Whatever environment we find ourselves in it is important to be aware of the situation and activity around you. For the many people who work tirelessly on their compositions, the end result certainly brings a sense of accomplishment. Designing origami requires vision. An individual must be capable of visualizing what the outcome ought to look like before making a single fold. It is then up to the artist to figure out what steps or folds needs to be made in order to accomplish their goal. There are origami projects that are simple such as making a paper airplane. There are also very complex origami projects which require many pieces of paper to be folded. Now it's starting to sound more challenging. Origami can be quite challenging and it's definitely not an activity that every individual will enjoy or even attempt. 

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