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Origami Dragon - Easy But Cool Paper Folding!

It is definitely an activity that requires interest. The folding process demands careful attention and without it the intended result would likely not be achieved. Many people are fascinated with paper folding, from the very young to the very old. This ancient hobby has transformed into an art that is given plenty of recognition. Tissue foils are usually glued to both sides of a piece of aluminum foil to make a piece of origami paper. There are stronger types of origami paper on the market. The Japanese use a paper called Washi which is made from various wood fibers and is stronger than paper made from wood pulp. Since origami is popular in Japan, a paper such of this would certainly be beneficial. Over the years the details and steps required for origami projects have been written down and/or relayed through diagrams. Folding paper may not seem to be very challenging but as the projects advance, origami can in fact be quire complicated and complex. Who uses origami in society today? No doubt there are many people who still do origami simply as a pass-time or hobby. Open the Cupboard and repeat the procedure folding in a horizontal direction. Open the paper and you have the Lattice. It is 16 equal sized squares used to make boxes, houses and simple animal bodies. The Shawl - Make a diagonal fold down the middle of a square piece of paper making sure your edges and corners lay on top of each other. Students who are bored in the classroom look for things to occupy their minds and time. Why not make something out of their lunch money? Why this idea was started we're not sure but money origami can certainly pass time. What type of bill can be used in money origami? The answer is to this question is simple - any currency is suitable for money origami. Looking at a picture of the intended outcome provides the individual with a motive to complete a project. With each fold they are closer to their goal. Once the object is finished and the goal is reached, they experience a sense of achievement. Goal setting is great to teach children as well. Achieving a goal helps them to feel empowered and equipped for the next new challenge. 

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