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Origami Flip Top Box Tutorial ♥︎ DIY ♥︎

Many modern origamists believe that the folding sequences should be viewed as intellectual property. Modern origami holds the creativity of the designers in high regard and has a great appreciation for the folders. One of the most important aspects of modern origami is that the models can be easily reproduced. Unless a person is caught up in the art world or has an interest in crafting, they may have never heard of origami. What is origami? It is, put simply, folding paper. This idea began hundreds of years ago however, the exact origin is unknown. It is still unknown whether it began in China or Japan. It is a known fact that the Japanese have developed advanced forms of artistic origami. If you don't open the book before making the second fold you end up with the handkerchief fold which gives you a small square with four layers of paper one on top of the other. The Cupboard - using a square piece of paper make the book fold then open the paper and take each outside edge and fold it to the center line. Because the Internet provides worldwide access to data, you may be able to learn about origami from some of the greatest origami artists. You could also access information regarding the history of origami and its cultural values in various parts of the world including Japan and China. It's always exciting to learn new ideas. Anyone could enjoy origami if they were interested. It is definitely an activity that requires interest. The folding process demands careful attention and without it the intended result would likely not be achieved. Many people are fascinated with paper folding, from the very young to the very old. This ancient hobby has transformed into an art that is given plenty of recognition. Not only is this activity done with dry paper but often individuals make wet folds which does, require a heavy paper. Wet folding in origami is a technique used when the creator is attempting a rounded piece or work. The wet paper allows for sculpting. When the object dries, it is sturdy. There are special papers made for origami. 

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