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Origami Heart (Folding Instructions)

Origami has been shown to help people develop social skills by taking part in a group project where they are compelled to help each other. Therapists have found that origami is a great way to break the ice and build bridges. Origami can make a person stop and think instead of making rash decisions. Are you are person who likes to set goals? They see competition as to who can develop the most intricate design. On the other hand the artistic origamists are more concerned with the figure's expressiveness and creativity. They are concerned only with the beauty of the model and don't intend their pieces to be done over and over again by others. They type of paper used for origami would depend on the project. For simple projects such as a paper airplane or a crane, normal copy paper (19-24lbs) is sufficient. For people who are learning this art, using normal copy paper would likely be a smart idea since it would be less-expensive than buying fancy origami paper. Modern origami has progressed to what it is today in great part due to a man named Yoshizawa Akira who in the early 1950's published books containing all new figures. In collaboration with San Randlett, an American, he developed the diagram symbols that are still used today. Today Yoshizawa is remembered as the grandmaster of origami and there are thousands of origami lovers worldwide. Just unfold the packaging to form the base of the chair, add the cushions and covers that are packed inside and your chair is ready for use with nothing that has to be thrown out or recycled. Buildings: Fumihiko Maki designed the Kirishima International Concert Hall. This hall was built using the architect's trademark brushed silver surfaces and was located on a secluded mountain site. Unknown to them perhaps, they are choosing to develop skills in awareness, concentration, patience and creativity. This is a great hobby for children to be involved it. It helps them develop reading and writing skills, teaches them about sequencing, as well as teaching them to concentrate, be patient, be attentive and use their imagination. 

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