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Origami parrot/easy and simple

However for those who know little about origami, they may be astounded to see what can actually be made from a single dollar bill. It's amazing what a dollar bill can get you by simply making a few simple folds. There is plenty of available material about origami including books and publications about money origami. Kami can be bought in various sizes from 2.5cm to 35cm and more. These square pieces of origami paper generally are prepackaged. Origami paper usually weighs less than copy paper allowing it to be used for all sorts of projects. This special paper can be bought in many different colors, usually with one side white and the other colored. As long as the person is able to read and follow basic instructions they have the skills required for origami. However, there are individuals who create origami designs for businesses and other commercial reasons these people are generally very creative and artistic. Patience is essential for the art of origami. This is a good practice for anyone. Origami is great for fine tuning motor skills. This activity requires an individual to use their hands, both hands to fold the paper in order to achieve their goal. Our hands are needed to do just about everything. Origami would be beneficial for people who are experiencing difficulties with their hands, especially where fine motor skills are required. On the other hand, since there are no known records of Chinese paper folding and the oldest Japanese records only go back to the 18th century some still believe that the invention must have been Japanese. Buddhist monks brought paper with them to Japan in the late 6th century along with the art of paper folding. This can be accomplished by using the origami skills you have and designing your very own composition. For the many people who work tirelessly on their compositions, the end result certainly brings a sense of accomplishment. Designing origami requires vision. An individual must be capable of visualizing what the outcome ought to look like before making a single fold. 

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