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Origami: Peace Dove

If you aren't someone who likes to follow instructions, origami is definitely not for you. How are you with problem solving? How about logical thinking? Both of these skills are needed in order to make origami, especially advanced origami a success. The individual needs to be able to look beyond the current step and know what should come next. In the early days when origami was initially discovered, it was used in Germany by kindergarten students. It also became quite popular in England where children used it as a hobby. Origami, even for young children is exciting and since it requires mathematics and much concentration, it can also be very educational. Modern origamists prefer to use the pure single sheet origami. Using only Origami paper, no glue, and no scissors. Using more than one sheet of paper is acceptable only if all the sheets of paper were the same size and no glue was used in the process. In the 50's and 60's a group comprised of creators and folders established and international origami group to promote the popularity of origami. Later when he was in junior high he read the book Viva Origami that showed him the vast possibilities of the art of origami and increased his dedication to the art. Throughout his lifetime he has used the wet folding techniques invented by Yoshizawa and created unique figures with soft curves that have had a great emotional impact of the people who see them. The art of paper folding can actually bring people out of their shell and encourage them to participate in conversation and group activities. Parents use origami at home to help their children develop different skills. This activity can help children develop their reading and writing skills. For young children it can help them learn how to use both hands together. Because origami is time consuming and often includes tiny objects, it's important to have paper that can withstand the process. Having the perfect paper for origami is the same as having the perfect canvass for a painting. Without it, the individual cannot be certain of success. Who ever knew that folding paper could be so complicated? 

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