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Origami Turtle - How To Make Easy Origami Turtle - Origami Tutorial Step By Step

It is a known fact that the Japanese have developed advanced forms of artistic origami. This idea was quick to catch on spreading into Spain, South America, Germany and Britain. With time this creative activity also became popular in the west. Although origami is an activity enjoyed by thousands of people, it has a special place in the Japanese culture. In order to make a perfect paper airplane, it is essential to use exact folds in the paper. This is what the art of origami is about, making precise folds to create a specific object. In the early days when origami was initially discovered, it was used in Germany by kindergarten students. It also became quite popular in England where children used it as a hobby. They learn creativity and perception and surprisingly they learn to relax. In a world where so much is rushed, sitting quietly and folding paper figures can bring a sense of balance and peace to even young children. When doing origami with young children it is important to remember certain things: 1. One must be very patient when attempting an origami project. Attentiveness or awareness is also essential in our daily existence. Whatever environment we find ourselves in it is important to be aware of the situation and activity around you. The art of origami teaches people to be aware and to pay attention. This is an opportunity to compare their work with other artists. It's also a great place to get new ideas that can later be used to create individual pieces. Art galleries frequently display origami work. Again, this is another good source for new ideas and techniques. The Internet has many sites related to the art of origami. Because origami is time consuming and often includes tiny objects, it's important to have paper that can withstand the process. Having the perfect paper for origami is the same as having the perfect canvass for a painting. Without it, the individual cannot be certain of success. Who ever knew that folding paper could be so complicated? 

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