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How To Make an Easy Origami Butterfly (in 3 MINUTES!)

Modern Origami Traditional origami has always been shrouded in secrecy, with instruction being given orally and passed down from generation to generation. Modern origamists regard their models as designs that deserve recognition, meant to be seen and appreciated. Uchiyama Koko, one of the early modern origamists went so far as to patent his models. There are stronger types of origami paper on the market. The Japanese use a paper called Washi which is made from various wood fibers and is stronger than paper made from wood pulp. Since origami is popular in Japan, a paper such of this would certainly be beneficial. There are other special papers which are made to be durable but flexible for thin, narrow pieces in projects. If the third step is taken before the first, it's unlikely the outcome will be favorable. Let's use baking a cake for example. First of all the ingredients need to go in the bowl, then they need to be mixed adequately and then put in a pan to bake. If the ingredients were all thrown into the baking pan without first of all being mixed, the result would be a mess not a cake. There are several established bases such as the bird, the kite, the windmill and the water-bomb to name a few. Modern origami relies heavily on these existing bases alone and in combination when designing new figures. As an example the kite base is used to make quite a few of the different zoo animals. Origami provides an opportunity to relax and have fun. The enjoyment that goes along with this activity is definitely good therapy. Not everyone is quick to open up and share their feelings with another individual, even a psychologist or other medical professional. It's essential that the person administering help and advice present a non-threatening image. However if you'd like to learn more about origami before attempting your first project, why not log onto the Internet and take a look at just what you are signing up for. There are hundreds of origami-related websites. Some of these sites are created by people who use origami as a hobby. Other sites are created by serious origamists, people who are considered to be origami artists. 

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