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Asthma Tech

Some things to remember: - Take medication before beginning exercise, if advisable - Always warm up before exercising and cool down after - Build up, in a deliberate manner, an exercise program you re comfortable with - Stop and rest at the first sign of symptoms - Know the environment you are most sensitive to and avoid those areas Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. This includes the ability to carry out daily living as usual such as work or school, exercise, and also to help with the wheeziness and interrupted sleep due to excessive coughing. Also to try to prevent acute attacks therefore removing the need to go to casualty to get the asthma back in order. Causes of Asthma The main causes of Asthma can be attributed to certain things that can cause a reaction with Asthma, These include hereditary, which will make you more likely to develop a chronic Asthma, Allergies, dust mites and some animal fur and cigarette smoke. The sad truth is that, even with all our advanced knowledge of how things work and why, there is still not even any known 'cure' for asthma suffers. However, once diagnosed, there are many smart things you can do to remain symptom free or at least manage the symptoms so your treatment is just a task in your daily life. As much as I d like there to be, you ve got to remember: this is a TREATABLE disease. That s good enough for them, right now. And with asthma, it's important to remember that symptoms vary based on the individual who's gotten them. Even the season may make one person seem as two, the first thing it's important to do? Every day is a new day and your child should thrive and grow and have fun and asthma should not get in the way. If you follow the asthma plan your doctor or asthma nurse gives you, there should be few problems because of asthma. Remember Remember if your child is at pre-school, playgroup, with a child minder baby sitter or anyone else make sure they are aware of the fact that your child has asthma and that they no how to administer your Childs medication and what they should do in the case of a sudden severe asthma attack. Asthma sufferers absolutely should not smoke themselves, nor should they be exposed to smoke whenever it s possible. By taking a few extra steps, you can make living with asthma much more manageable. Keeping it clean doesn t just help the asthma sufferer breathe easier, but everyone in the home. Your space will be cleaner, your air purer, and your lungs happier. 

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