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How to fold an Origami Moving Flexagon - Better than a fidget spinner!

For people who are learning this art, using normal copy paper would likely be a smart idea since it would be less-expensive than buying fancy origami paper. For many projects, heavy paper (approx. 25lbs) is required for origami art. Not only is this activity done with dry paper but often individuals make wet folds which does, require a heavy paper. When individuals become really involved in the art of origami they attempt tougher projects that require several sections. Skilled origamists will take on projects such as elaborate ships, buildings, people and objects involving concentration and logical thinking. When people reach this level in origami, often they begin to design their own compositions. On the other hand the artistic origamists are more concerned with the figure's expressiveness and creativity. They are concerned only with the beauty of the model and don't intend their pieces to be done over and over again by others. The artistic origamist's concern is bringing out the expression of the paper. Perhaps while sitting in a restaurant waiting on the waiter the customer pulls out a paper bill and begins playing around with it. Students who are bored in the classroom look for things to occupy their minds and time. Why not make something out of their lunch money? Why this idea was started we're not sure but money origami can certainly pass time. Patience is essential for the art of origami. Working out the intricate patterns in different projects can be quite tedious. Not just anyone will have the patience to continuously fold a piece of paper attempting to create a particular object. For people who design origami projects, the mathematics of it all can be very frustrating and again would definitely require a patient individual. One of the basic forms of this activity is the paper airplane. Thousands of people have made paper airplanes not knowing they were doing an origami project. In order to make a perfect paper airplane, it is essential to use exact folds in the paper. This is what the art of origami is about, making precise folds to create a specific object. 

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