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Senator Eric Abetz: InsulLiving As Australia's Future Of Energy Efficient Housing.

If your bill in not in between these figures then you will be considered as a regular householder, which utilizes electricity unnecessarily. The reason is that are not required to spend to the extent of $2000 a year for energy. A regular house that spends this much amount often misuse the power and ultimately their money. The remaining one is shared lighting and appliance (24%), water heating (17%), air conditioning (6%) and refrigeration (5%). Now, you can easily decide when you are going to start saving energy by lowering its consumption. You can take a start from space heating because it consumes the major part of electricity. Ultimately your monthly bills go up. In various parts of the world, houses are built with bricks instead of wood that not only save forests from depletion but also minimize the energy requirements of the house. Governments of some countries have even passed a regulation that requires people to build houses using clay bricks. If you want to make your mobile homes cool, repaint your roof it will helps you a lot. Use roof cavity that is connected with the walls or roof top of mobile homes. It makes your home cool and also reduces the consumption of energy. Use of air conditioning system during hot season affects your electric bill a lot. After all so many things in your life run on this costly energy source. Sure you can't produce electricity yourself but there are some changes that you can make to cut your energy costs. If you just calculate the average amount you spend per annum to pay off your electricity bills, you'll get an approximate figure of $1600. All the electrical appliances and gadgets add up to our burden of power bills month after month until you start thinking about depriving yourself of all those technologies you had once bought to make your life easier, so, instead of completely ruling them out of your life we should work a bit on how they can be used effectively. 

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