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Jim Rohn - Master the Art of Setting Goals

Determine the things or activities that need to be done or carried out in order to attain priorities and goals. By doing so, you would inevitably consider and think about the time frame needed to perform the tasks. When arranging your schedule, make sure that the set of activities related to attaining the goals would not conflict with any other important appointments or activities. By so doing, you would be able to avoid the trap of overestimating or either underestimating yourself. The importance of goal setting Because goal setting is really an activity that brings about more advantages than disadvantages, it is logical that the concept has its own set of plusses and merits. The goal setting activity is the time when one s self is evaluated and assessed. Perhaps you're no longer getting any mental stimulation lately. Maybe your education-related goals had expired many years ago. Perhaps it's time to go back to school for another degree, or engage in any thought provoking activities. 6. Family. What is your idea of a family? Getting married, having and raising kids? Just like your personal or professional goal setting, the process of setting performance goals for the employees should begin with the listing down of the company or organization s need. And if on the personal level, you consider it important to converse with yourself, how much more for the employees and the company that they are working with? This also the time that you will need to reflect, not only about your past achievements or frustrations but also about your future worries and angsts. To prevent yourself from being overwhelmed with plans, however, goals have to be simplified and broked down into much smaller units. In this way, you will easily access every angle of your goal, whenever there is a need to review any of its components. This area is then put into focus, and relates it to the individual concerned, without losing sight on the constantly evolving needs for individual career planning. The impact of this group planning to an individual is just astounding. Professional goal setting when done in a group can also offer several schemes to secure resources, which are usually unthinkable for an individual professional. 

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