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Treatment of Throat Infection by acupressure, seed and magnet therapy

Low back and knee pain Another trial (double-blind, placebo controlled) of 54 people with knee or back pain compared a complex static magnet array against a sham magnet array. 7 participants used either the real or sham device for 24 hours. After a 7-day rest, they used the opposite therapy for another 24 hours. We need to use stronger magnets since it is important to reach organs and different elements like boron, cobalt and samarium. With magnetic healing, the magnets are in close contact with the problem area. Injuries, pain and inflammation can be a cause of electromagnetic induction. The intention is to regularize or return the body to its balanced condition. Despite having no definite scientific proof to back up claims of magnetic therapists that magnets can induce healing, more and more people are beginning to believe and use magnets as a complementary form of treatment. The magnets can stop the pain signals from reaching your nervous system, they can help increase or normalize the blood flow allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed the cells resulting to faster healing and reinstates the overall balance of the body s cells. Magnet Therapy And Ailments By now, the magnets in magnet therapy had been recognized by many (excluding the formal medical community) to have the healing powers to relieve physical pain and alleviate the symptoms of many common ailments. To date, these ailments include arthritis, Fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pains, sciatica and general muscle aches and pains. Only 18% of those who were treated with fake magnets got relief. Fibromyalgia In other studies, magnets were also found effective against fibromyalgia. Researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston discovered that magnets help relieve muscle pain caused by this mysterious condition. In the same study, it was found that patients who slept on magnetic mattresses had greater pain relief than those who slept on ordinary mattresses. This can cause the person to experience, arthritis pain, general pain, fatigue, insomnia and stress. It could also be the cause for fat accumulation and weight gain. The use of magnets in specific areas of the body could release these positive charges and return the body to its alkaline stage. The blood would have better circulation, which would allow more oxygenated cells to flow in the body. 

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