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Asthma | Nursing officer & Staff Nurse Online Classes, Nursing | Testpaperlive

It causes wheeziness, breathlessness, chest tightness and either morning or nighttime coughing. Asthma is a 24/7 disease although you may have no effect from it for ages and suddenly something will trigger it off. If it is looked after and controlled your asthma will let you live a normal life. Try to avoid things that trigger an attack like dust mites, pollen, smoke. Benefits of exercise include: - Heart/Lung efficiency - Strength/endurance - Flexibility/posture - Ability to relax while at rest You should always talk to your doctor if you are unsure whether the asthma symptoms are exercise-induced or not. Some things to remember: - Take medication before beginning exercise, if advisable - Always warm up before exercising and cool down after - Build up, in a deliberate manner, an exercise program you re comfortable with - Stop and rest at the first sign of symptoms - Know the environment you are most sensitive to and avoid those areas Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. Persistent cough is common in asthmatics, especially children. But persistent cough happens to be symptomatic of lung disease, whooping cough, or postnasal drip. For adults or adolescents, there are often other factors at play, but infants who cough to the point of vomiting should get immediate attention from a doctor. Regularly washing fabrics, especially around pet areas, will help reduce dust and dander that causes breathing difficulties. Some asthma sufferers may even avoid the outdoors on high pollen days, and help themselves by avoiding asthma attacks. Living with asthma means living with fresher, cleaner air so that you can breathe easy. When you can t breathe easy, living with asthma seems like a real pain. But does it have to be? Some studies show that one in four Americans will be affected by asthma or allergies of some kind. No matter how you look at it, that s an incredibly high number. No one is sure what causes asthma, or what can be done to cure this ailment. Causes of Asthma The main causes of Asthma can be attributed to certain things that can cause a reaction with Asthma, These include hereditary, which will make you more likely to develop a chronic Asthma, Allergies, dust mites and some animal fur and cigarette smoke. But there is no know main cause. Helpful Hints You can buy both mattress and pillow protectors that will take away the threat of dust mites in the bed, thus giving you a better chance of a good nights sleep. 

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