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Cara membuat Goal Setting.

Effective business goal setting needs to be detailed and put into writing. This will give you a concrete basis for further review in the future. It will also save you from having to grope your mind for the ideas you came up with during one 'eureka' moment. 4. Use active words. Active words are not only for writers; they should also work perfectly with your business goal. If you would concentrate on this, you would soon realize that your goal is undoable because you're bound to come across with a person with goals that contradicts your goal. When this happens, you only need to go back to your master list, what was the final goal? Then re-arrange the smaller goals that were supposed to lead you to the ultimate goal. As people say, money makes the world go round. Thus, financial difficulties and issues make up the challenges that directly hinder peaceful and happy existence of mankind in the face of the planet. Thus, the ability, skill and talent to manage the financial aspects of one s life is very essential and helpful in the context of the contemporary times. The team should complement each other because it is a given fact that no person would exhibit all the necessary traits, skills and talents needed in the game. Let a person s strength complement others weaknesses and vice versa. The team should collectively stand as a perfect sports entity with unified goals, though divided in weaknesses and strengths; and that would surely be the sports team s strength. Employee Goal Setting If you are a boss or a manager and you have ambitious and great plans to accelerate the overall development and progress of your company or team, the first thing you would logically do is to make sure your employees are on the same sentiment as you are. The company would not move forward and achieve goals and targets if the team players, the workers or employees that make up the group are not participating or cooperating whole-heartedly. Whether we like it or not, we are bound one way or the other, with the overwhelming presence of goal setting theory and some of its derivatives. Suddenly at loss what to do with your life, you often ask how to put some direction to it. Or perhaps, all of sudden, you're questioning the very purpose of your life. 

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