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Goal setting and Goal planning

Personal goal is one discipline of study under the goal setting theory. Or perhaps the problem is outside the personal milieu. Maybe you're having trouble in assessing the growth of your company. Or even worse, you don't where is the company heeding. If this is happening to you, the only reason for this is that you haven't come up with a business goal setting program. Your colleagues experiences in the workplace can be a rich source of knowledge in terms of performance assessment. Of course, you will not poke into their private lives even in informal talks, or even in jest, as they may reveal some development on their personal career. Performance goal in the company If you re an executive or officer of a company, part of your responsibilities will include setting performance goals. Recognizing The Importance Of Goal Setting Goals are of great importance because it leads a person to success and achievements. Thus, it is imperative that a person realizes that effective goal setting will point out the clear and vivid difference between great success and humble failures. Some tips when setting goals Here are several practical guidelines that would help you set goals effectively. The last one is only possible if you have already gone through the process of goal setting. Soul-searching is actually personal goal setting in its infancy. The only problem is that for many people that infant never grow up into maturity. The person involved in soul-searching might dismiss this process as nothing but being sentimental. Your First Step For A Satisfying Life Career goal setting is your very first step for a successful and fruitful life. Success, though, is subjective; it depends on your definition on what it is. You might already have thought of a goal at the beginning of your career and have a vivid vision of where you're headed exactly. They may not share your concept on how to do things but if these people share your vision, they will at least give you alternative routes in reaching your goal. These alternative routes represent their own view with the world and their belief in doing things. This process will give you the chance to improve your precepts or ideas. 

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