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Setting Goals - Jim Rohn - How To Set Goals For The Life You Actually Want

The team should collectively stand as a perfect sports entity with unified goals, though divided in weaknesses and strengths; and that would surely be the sports team s strength. Set measurable, realistic, specific, achievable, timely and practical goals for the sports team. Make sure these goals are put up in a simplified and easily comprehensible manner that the team as w hole would not ever forget especially during the ardent, tedious and hard practice sessions, when patience is utmost needed and required from each team member. Or perhaps, all of sudden, you're questioning the very purpose of your life. When this happens, it might be because you failed to set a personal goal for your general guidance. Without a clear-cut personal goal, you will feel adrift in an endless sea, undecided on what to do with your talents and other gifts. Life goals are commonly referred to as goals that help one person choose what path to take or help one define what he really wants to achieve in his life time. That sets life goals from the common and simple short-term goals you set everyday in your life. Simple and short-term goals can be achieved in a matter of hours or even minutes. These conflicting interests can be beneficial in many cases. With your constant interaction with other people, you may come across with ideas that haven t entered your realization earlier. The performance of these people, moreover, can be very beneficial to you. Their experiences might shed some light on things that continue to baffle you in the first place. These alternative routes represent their own view with the world and their belief in doing things. This process will give you the chance to improve your precepts or ideas. And, of course, take a regular review of your plan or business goal. Do some revisions if needed, depending on the small changes that you encounter as the plan progresses. Because the answer lies not in simply knowing what's your purpose in life but lies in discovering what's your goal in life. The last one is only possible if you have already gone through the process of goal setting. Soul-searching is actually personal goal setting in its infancy. The only problem is that for many people that infant never grow up into maturity. 

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