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9 inch Feraco Men Sleek Magnetic Therapy Bracelet in Velvet Gift Box

Magnet strength is measured in gauss. Ideally a magnet used in therapy produces a field in the range of 200 to 2,000 gauss. Be aware, however, that magnets can sometimes have varying gauss measurements. The magnet surface strength might be different from its core so read the labels of your magnet carefully. These include restoration of cellular magnetic balance, and the so-called acceleration of the migration of calcium ions of ions to help heal bones and nerve tissues. Magnet therapy claims that the body s circulation is enhanced due to the presence of iron in the blood and thereby increasing blood flow. But be sure to use magnets that are pretty good and strong enough to pass though 4 to 5 inches of human tissue and bones. Also make certain that when arranging the magnets they should maintain a minimum distance of inch from each other. This arrangement maximizes the electromagnetic field generated by each magnet. However, MRI subjects people under high levels of magnetism only for a short time, while magnets for their illnesses subject patients to long-term magnetic fields, however low those may be. Prohibitions Totally prohibited is the use of magnets on people with defibrillators and pacemakers. There is fear magnets might interfere with the sensitive electronic parts. When patients use magnets, the blood flow increases in the area where the magnet is applied and this could help in reducing pain. The capillary walls would relax boosting blood circulation. Increased circulation would allow toxins to be released and flushed away. Aside from pain relief, better blood circulation could also result into better sleep. The improved blood flow and the fluid exchange in the injured tissue help reduce discomfort and inflammation. This field is also thought to stimulate the nervous system. Reducing stress A magnetic field applied to the head calms and induces a hypnotic sleeping effect on the brain. The key is the stimulation of the hormone melatonin. 

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