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iFit Magnetic Therapy Leggings | HERMO

William Gilbert who prescribed magnets for Queen Elizabeth I. More than a century later, Dr. Frank Mesmer and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) conducted several experiments and treatments using magnets which they later advocated. Theories Magnet therapy is almost similar to the theory of acupuncture. According to Arthritis Foundation, arthritis is one of the major health problems and leading causes of disability for Americans who are aged fifteen and above. More women suffer from this compared to men. And those half of the affected Americans, tend to believe that there is nothing that could help them relieve the pain. Magnetic Therapy , Guiding your Magnets Magnet therapy is a treatment procedure that involves the careful placement of strong magnets on the body to induce treatment. The magnetic field that is being generated by the magnets goes deep into the body and helps improve blood circulation, alleviate pain and help the body deal with the ailment. Magnets have been used, every since the civilization of China, India, Egypt and Greece, to heal different kinds of diseases. In the 1800s, magnetic treatment made a comeback. Currently, there are different magnetic products intended to heal headaches, arthritis, joint and muscles pains and even lessen stress and depression. Discovering Magnet Therapy Magnet therapy is considered an alternative kind of medicine or healing. With the use of magnets, it is possible to restore energy to the body, improve sleep, relieve pain and even, stress in a natural way. There are several cases where magnet therapy was able to prevent and treat chronic sicknesses. Unmanaged, stress could affect our work, social relationships and even our health. 1. Magnet Therapy In ancient civilizations like those of found in China, Egypt, India and Greece, magnets are already used to heal different forms of illnesses. When thinking about magnet therapy, magnets used are different from those we have on our refrigerator doors. 

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